Grade 8 News

In Math we are working on a Year-End Review, and the students will write a cumulative exam on Friday June 22. In Science we are finishing a Unit Review on Forces, Fluids and Density. We will be having a Final exam on this Unit Monday June 25. In Social Studies we are finishing our current events and preparing for a current events quiz on June 26. In Physical Education we are finishing Fitness Testing and we are playing some modified Slow-Pitch. In Health we have finished a Drugs and Alcohol Unit. While in English we are continuing “Voices from the Holocaust”. In Art we have finished our presentations on Dance and working on the drama “Twelve Angry Men”. In Industrial Arts we are finishing our Wood Projects. Finally, in Home Ec., we are sewing our Pyjama Pants.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we are com- pleting current events and preparation for several small current events quizzes. We are going to be starting the final plan preparations for our year- end trip to Regina. In Physical Education, we have finished Archery and we are doing both  Track and Field and some outdoor games. In Science, we just finished our cardboard boat races in Saskatoon at Harry Bailey Pool. In Health, we are doing a Drugs and Alcohol unit. In Math, we are working on Data and Statistics, while in English we are reading about “Voices from the Holocaust”. In Art, we are starting to research a project on dance. In Industrial Arts, we are working on our wood projects. Finally, in Home Ec., we are starting a unit to sew pajama pants.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we have wrapped up our unit on First Nations and their Canadian Identity. In Science we are now working on the “Cardboard Boat Race” which takes place in early May. In Physical Education we have finished our badminton unit and fitness testing. We are starting some Archery, Inter-Lacrosse (indoor non-contact), some more games, and then…. Track and Field…as soon as it dries up. In Career Ed. we are looking at personal inven- tories, skills and developing an initial framework for a resume. Health is looking at personal relationships. In Home Ec. we are starting on basic baking. In Industrial Arts we have arrived at … Freedom 55! …Finally, we have had to pick and design a woodworking project of our own choice. Now we just have to get it done by Mr. Tyndall’s due date…and then get them out of the hallway.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we are finishing our examination of First Nations history, pre-contact, post-contact (fur trade), and modern-day issues. In Physical Education we are finishing Badminton and a few classes at the Curling Rink. We start Fitness testing very soon! In Health we are looking at Emotions and how we can learn to control them, and not let them control us. In Career Guidance we are studying Multiple Intelligences and how we can understand them to help us in selecting career paths. In Art we are doing studies on Impressionism now. In Industrial Arts, we are drafting BIG Isometric drawings, and looking forward to studying the new power tools we get to use this year in the shop. Finally, in Home Ec., we are working on our Flour Mixtures Unit. In Math we have just finished having an exam. While in English we working on the novel “The Giver”.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we are looking at the issues of the history of Treaties and First Nations. In Physical Education we are trying to organize going to the rink/curling rink to have some fun! We will be starting a Badminton Unit shortly.  In Science we are looking at Forces, Fluids and Density.  Finally, in Industrial Arts, we have started to draft in 3D and complete Isometric drawings. Health class is focusing on Emotional Maturity and Career Guidance is finishing a project on Finances and Budgeting after getting a job from an online work experience game. Math has us doing a Perimeter and Area review. Then we will begin a section on Volume and Capacity. While in English we are working through the novel “The Giver”.  In Art Class we are studying Frescos and are starting a Fresco project.  In Home Ec. we just started a new semester and right now we are doing a review of Lab Procedures, Kitchen Equipment, Kitchen Safety, and Proper Use of Equipment.

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we have completed a Major Research Project on various countries of the world. This will lead into a power Point presentation which is due Jan 19. In Physical Education we are doing our Term 2 Fitness Testing, wrapping up some final basketball skills and planning on going to the rink/ curling rink for some winter fun! (If the weather cooperates) While in English we are working on expository writing. In Math we are working through ratio and proportion. In Science we are completing a Unit on Water Systems on Earth. There will be a major unit exam on this Science Unit around Jan. 25. Finally, in Industrial Arts, we are rushing to finish our woods projects. In Home Ec. we have started working on pj pants, while in Art class we just finished a stained glass project are moving onto frescos paintings.


Grade 8 News

In Social Studies the Grade 8’s are working on a Major Project. It is researching “Countries of the World”. This Project will continue into the New Year. In Science the Grade 8’s are near the end of a unit on “Water Systems”. There will be a major exam on this unit in January before the next report card. In Phys- ical Education the Grade 8’s are in the middle of a combined unit on Floor Hockey and Basketball. This unit leads into fitness testing right away in January when the Grade 8’s return. In Industrial Arts the Grade 8’s are working hard to complete their wood projects which are mostly mirrors, frames and cutting boards. In Art they are just finishing Roman Mosaics, and after the Christmas break the Grade 8’s will start a stained glass pro- ject. In Home Ec. the Grade 8’s are completing the sewing on their Christmas bags. In Math the Grade 8’s are wrapping up Operations with Fractions. Meanwhile, in ELA the Grade 8’s are finishing a project on the Count of Monte Cristo. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Grade 8 News

In Social Studies they are completing a section on “How Canadians Govern Them- selves” on the structure and function of governments at all levels. In Industrial Arts they have started designing wood projects, such as mirrors, and are completing the exam on common tool names and functions in the shop. In Home Ec. they have started sewing. In  Health/Guidance they are starting a computer game called “The Real Game” about careers and general workplace skills and character traits. In Math they are now working with Integers and starting to graph coordinates on X Y quadrants. In Science they have started a research project on specifically assigned “Body Systems”. Physical Education continuing a games unit with Tchoukball and soon Basketball is just around the corner. Early in the New Year a winter activities unit will start over at the curling and skating rinks. A certain very few of the Grade Eights are still working on keeping the area around their desks clean and organized so it is safe for everyone who passes by.

Grade 8 News

The grade eights are working on putting their personal possessions away properly as they now have classroom lockers to lock and keep their stuff safe. Social Studies continues to examine the aspects that define culture, we will be having a test on this Unit next week.  In ELA we are completing a Novel study on the “Outsiders”. In Health we are working through the Decision Making Process and looking at how subject courses in High School relate to future Jobs and Careers. In Science we are studying Cells, Microscopes and Body Systems. In Math we are completing Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem. Physical Education is starting fitness testing and finishing Volleyball. I.A. is completing the unit on Orthographic (3-D) drafting, while in Art class we have finished Hieroglyphics and are starting Greek Pottery.

May 2011 Grade 8 News

In Social Studies we are completing current events and preparation for our year-end trip. In Physical Education we are doing track and field and archery (for the first time in our school). In Math and Science we are getting ready for the Cardboard Boat Races while in English we are reading a Poetry unit. In Health we are doing a Drug Unit. In Art we are doing a section on the Basics of Visual Art. In Industrial Arts we are working on our wood projects. Finally, in Home Ec. we are sewing our quilting pillows.