Grade 4 & 5 News

Year-end already?! Time flies when you’re working hard and having fun! The 4/5s have wrapped up our Cana- dian studies and Simple Ma- chines units and are finishing up novel study final projects – the creativity is inspiring! We’ve had a lot of fun this month and more scheduled: Children’s Festival, Track & Field Day, Class Swimming Party, Try-all-athon and Elementary Spray Park Party keep us playing, as well as working. We are also very grateful to Mrs. Burgess who organized a special trip to the town library so we could get library cards and get started on summer reading. I have had a wonderful time with this class of intelligent, insightful and very witty kids! Life is leading me away from Hanley next year (all the way to Ontario) so I’d like to thank all the students and staff at Hanley School for being so welcoming and supportive. This is truly a wonderful community. Lastly, thanks for being such a great class, Grade 4/5, and good luck in 5/6 – I know you’ll ace it! Have a wonderful summer!

Miss Stefanson

Grade 2 & 3 News

Wow, I can’t believe that it’s the end of June already! Time sure flies when you are having fun! Just a reminder that we will be heading over to CC Pool for our year-end pool party on Tuesday, as well as enjoying some time in the sun at thespray park on Wednesday.

We have had some specials guests in our classroom as my parents brought my daughter out for a visit! My mom, a retired teacher, completed an art project with the kids and did some singing with them. The kids have sure enjoyed our novel study, “Sarah, Plain and Tall”. We are just finishing up the book and then we will watch the movie next week. The kids have also got into a nice routine with our guided reading centers, that we have every morning. They seem to really enjoy rotating through different ELA activities as I read with a small group. The grade three’s just finished a math unit on multiplication, while the grade two’s recently finished our data management unit, where we collected data and made different types of graphs. We have also been learning about Canada in social studies and have been completing different experiments in science, for our motion unit.

Thanks for a wonderful few months back in the classroom! I hope that everyone has a terrific

and fun summer! Mrs. Romanchuk

Kindergarten & Grade 1 News

Happy ‘Last Week of Classes’ to everyone!

We are keeping very busy as our school year comes to an end. We have been growing beans in ziploc bags with just paper towels as the “soil”. We have also been enjoying watching our sunflowers grow. Some are getting really tall!

The 1s are finishing up their wacky fairy tales in ELA and are almost done their addition and subtraction unit in Math.

The Ks have been working hard with their Grade 1 buddies to create Alphabet books. It has been fun watching them come up with words and having ‘lightbulb’ moments! We are about to do a quick study of Canadian coins before the end of the year. Be sure to quiz us on them over the summer!

We are going swimming at CC Pool on Monday, June 24 at 11AM. The swim will be followed by a BBQ. More details will be sent home soon!

Wishing you all a VERY happy and safe summer!

Grade 12 News

In ELA, we just finished answering our unanswerable questions, in essay form, and we are now reading excerpts from The Book of Negroes. In Calculus, we are finishing Graphical Equations of the Derivative, and in Foundations, we are finishing the Line of Credit/Loans Unit. Phys Ed is improving our bodily fitness, Biology is teaching us about genetics, and Physics is teaching us about electricity, which just proves how electrifying Grade 12 can be.


Grade 11 News

It is a busy time of year as we continue to work hard and prepare for the end of our grade 11 year. In Chemistry, we are balancing equations and preparing experiments to demonstrate for the K/1’s. In Biology, we are examining the diversity of life. In Visual Arts, we con- tinue to decorate school doors, as well as interpret and create our own representation on types of art. In Media Studies, so we are watching the documentary “Thank You for Smoking” and studying subliminal messages. In PAA, we are researching and presenting world cuisines. In IA, we are building sheds. In

Work Placement, we are making scale replications of types of furniture. In Pre-Calculus, we are examining radical equations.

Grade 10 News

Only a month and a half left! Where has this year gone? The grade 10’s are fighting conflicting feelings right now, wanting to be outside in the sunshine, but forced to stay in to keep up with their mounds of home- work. Mr. H. has been piling on tons of work with radicals and fractional exponents. Envisioning the cube root of negative twenty seven on the bull’s eye of the target has been helping them hone their accuracy with ar- chery in Wellness, though. Track is also in full swing, with eliminations happening this week. In Wildlife Management, they’ve been looking at endangered species and wildlife activists. The yummy meals keep on coming from the kitchens of the commercial cookers (I had the pulled pork last week, it was awe- some). The IA students are still

busy drafting up a storm in CAD. In Social, they’ve been studying economics, and finally, in ELA, they’ve been studying perspectives of WWII. Have a great spring!

Grade 9 News

Our camping trip is quickly approaching. The trip dates have been moved up a day. Due to the Provincial Track meet starting on June 7th, and the number of grade 9 students who are potential provincial athletes, we had to make that adjustment. We’ve been busy preparing ourselves for all of the anticipated adventures that await us. As we finished up our discussions about the book, Into The Wild, and read a short story by Jack London called To Build a Fire, we decided to venture out into the field and build our own fires from scratch. Some groups were successful, some were not. My hope is that those who were unsuccessful will sharpen their survival skills before heading north. Again, any parent help would be appreciated. We have just started reading an amazing true story called The Sunflower. The preamble says, “ You are a prisoner in a concentration camp. A dying Nazi soldier asks for your for- giveness. What would you do?” As we read this together, we will be able to explore some huge questions regard- ing war, evil and the possibilities and

limits of forgiveness.

In Social studies, we learned about multi-national corporations, as well as where and how the goods we buy are manufactured. Incredible. We also continue to follow what happening daily with CNN Student News.

Genetics, symmetry and track and field usually round off our learning day. 

On May 28th, we will be visited by the health nurse who will spend the morning teaching us about Health and Sexuality. A more detailed par- ent letter will be sent home.

Grade 8 News

In Grade 8 I.A., the boys have chosen and are fine tuning their woods projects. In Grade 8 Home Ec. the girls are starting to sew their pajama pants. Math is still working on a large unit on ratios, rates, and percentages. In Science, the class is looking at the properties of fluids, in- cluding buoyancy, density and viscosity. In Social Studies the

students have been researching and creating their own countries and governments. In ELA they are finishing a novel study on “The Giver” and about to start a Creative Writing Unit. In Health class some students continue to do homework on Decision Making. We have begun to study about school skills that transfer to the work-force world. In Physical Education we have started Track and Field. We are playing some modified Slow-Pitch games now that the outdoors has finally warmed up. The last set of fitness tests begin in early June.

Grade 7 News

In ELA, the girls have just about wrapped up their Humour Unit. They will be putting all the work they have done over the unit together to create a Humour Booklet. In Math, they finished up the unit on Circles and Area and are now looking into Expressions and Equations. In ELA, the boys will be starting a novel study on Dust by Arthur Slade. In Social Studies, both groups are continuing to study and learn about the Canadian government. In Science, they are continuing to explore how heat transfers between different materials. In Home Ec. the girls finished sewing their stuffies and are now working on sewing pot holders. In I.A., the boys are continuing to work on their clocks. They are turning out great so far! In PE, the class is into their track unit and have been enjoying the nice weather outside as they refine their track and field skills. Everyone is keeping busy as the end of the year is rapidly approaching! We will be looking for parent volunteers to come along on our field trip to Blue Mountain this year which is planned for June 18th. Please contact me if you will be available to join us on that day. We will need at least three parents to come along to help chaperone.

-Miss Adelman

Grade 6 News

Spring has finally sprung. We have been doing a little badminton in phys. ed. and will be learning track and field events in the upcoming weeks. We are finishing a novel called The Slave Dancer in ELA and are reading The Tunnels of Time. We are going to be finished our unit on fractions, percent, rate and ratio soon and beginning a new unit. The students have been doing several experiments in Science and are learning about electricity. In Social Studies we are learning about who is in positions of power and authority around us and in distant countries. We are preparing for our field trip to Moose Jaw. We are also getting things underway for the Triallathon in June.

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather.

Ms. Bishop Moisan and the Grade 6 class.