Grade 5 & 6 News

As the school year is underway the grade 5/6 class is in full swing. We are about to wrap up our ELA unit about messages. As a wrap up project we are asking the students to create their own photo messages. I can’t wait to see what they come up with. We have been learning about classifying living things and have done an observation/investigation with some meal worms in Science. In Social Studies we have learned some map skills and are going to be reviewing about Multicultural Canada as well as how the world is connected. In Health we are focusing on Healthy lifestyles and promoting a healthy choices. In grade 6 math we are about to wrap up our first big unit with whole numbers. I can’t wait to meet and see you .


Grade 3 & 4 News

Hello Again!

Has one month flown by already?? I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving and got to indulge in a little turkey or at the very least some tasty pie!

This month has been full of a variety of things including multiple PD Days, many sick days (had by almost everyone!) and even laser eye surgery for myself! But let me get you up to date on what has been happening in some of our subject areas. In ELA, we are continuing work on a unit called “My Friends and I”. In Math, both Grade 3 and 4 classes are taking a deeper look into place values and number sense. In Science, we are still investigating what makes a structure and have even taken a stab at building some structures of our own! In Social Studies, we have moved on from looking at our world to now learning all about Saskatchewan. Tin Arts Ed., this class loves to express their creative energy through drawing, colouring and other fun Arts Ed. projects we have completed.

We continue to enjoy coming to class each day and now that most of us are over our beginning-of-the-year colds, we can spread our excitement for learning without spreading our germs!

Stay tuned for information coming home this week on a Grade 3/4 Halloween party that will be planned by a few of our high school students. A slight cost to cover meal expenses will likely be charged but I will send home the information as soon as it comes my way.

I hope you take some time to enjoy the last bit of fall weather before the snow comes!
Miss Adelman


Grade 1 & 2 News

What a great autumn; I can’t believe that October is half over already! Hopefully everyone can make it out to the “Meet the Staff” BBQ on Tuesday, which kicks off our student, parent, and teacher conferences for the fall. Please remember to contact Mrs. Block in the office to book your conference time with your child. It would be nice to see everyone there!

Just a reminder that the Halloween parade will start at 1:00pm on the 31st if you were interested in coming to watch. We will start getting the kids in their costumes around 12:45pm.

The students are very excited about learning and have settled down into our class routines. In math, the grade one’s are learning about numbers to twenty with Mr. Woods-Fehr, while the grade two’s are learning about numbers to one hundred with me. In ELA, we are about halfway through reviewing the alphabet letters and sounds with the grade one’s. I hope to finish this up in the next month or so and then they will begin spelling with the grade two’s. The two’s have done awesome with the spelling program so far. We are starting to talk about making connections as we read, so that is something that you could also focus on at home. Please remember to review the weekly sight words for grade one’s as it helps reinforce what we are learning at school. We are continuing to talk about safety in health, the senses in science, as well as belonging in our world for social studies. As always, please feel free to pop in or send me a message if there are any questions or concerns that may arise. I look forward to seeing everyone next week at the BBQ!


Kindergarten News

Fall Greetings from the Kindergarten Room!

We hope that this newsletter finds everyone well and enjoying the beautiful fall weather.

We have been very busy in our first full month of Kindergarten. In Math we’ve been practicing with patterns–building them, extending them, changing them. Phys. Ed is keeping our bodies moving. We especially like the “Here, There, Where?” game, Freeze Dance, and Bubblegum. ELA has kept us busy with library time, Rebus chants, and story-acting. Story-Acting is a really cool time! Each morning I private conference with at least 2 students separately. They each come up with a story and I write it down (in their words).

They then cast their story characters with their classmates (they ask permission, of course). After they’ve cast their story, and drawn a picture to go along with it, they perform it for the class. It has been a lot of fun!

A Few Important Dates:

  • October 22 – Meet the Teacher Night/Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences (5:00-7:30PM)
  • October 23 – Parent-StudentTeacher Conferences continued (5:00-7:35PM)
  • October 31 – Kindergarten Halloween Party in the PM. Schoolwide costume parade starts at 1PM {parents/families are invited to watch the parade}
  • November 1 – NO Kindergarten (in lieu of October 31).

If you haven’t already, please call Carey in the office @ 544-2511 to book your conference time on either the 22nd or 23rd. I look forward to seeing you all!

Please feel free to contact me any time

Have a great October!

-The Kindergartens & Mrs. Martineau


Saber Football News

The football team capped off a fantastic regular season this past Thursday with their exciting win over Gull Lake. The Sabers downed the previously unbeaten Lions in a nail-biting 36-32 victory to finish their regular season undefeated for the second straight year. In what was perhaps the most exciting Sabers game in recent memory, Hanley was led offensively by Kody, Jesse and Joel, while the defense played their strongest game of the season by far, shutting down the powerful Gull Lake offence, including a dramatic last minute goal-line stand to secure the win. The playoffs begin on Saturday, October 19th, as the Sabers host fourth place Central Butte; we hope to see the amazing community and school support continue as we begin what we hope to be a long and successful playoff run.

Grade 9 News

Someone once said that grade nine was the greatest year of all the school years, and we are beginning to understand what they meant. We love it. We love every minute of it. We get to do so many amazing things and learn so much interesting stuff. We were honored to have Charlotte and Grant bring us all an amazing meal on Monday the 7th. Thank you so much.

On Thursday, October 10th, we had the privilege of attending Student Forum. We heard an inspirational talk from Spencer West and were motivated to get involved in making our world a better place for all. We had an opportunity to talk about ways that we can enhance our classroom experience and take full advantage of the educational opportunities that are available to us as Canadians.

For instance, every day we get to go to Mr. Herman’s math class and learn about numbers. RATIOS!! We thought the Exponents unit was terrific and it looks this whole ratios unit is going to blow it away. In ELA, we are reading a book called The Sunflower. Ask us about it. It’s an incredible story with a really challenging message.

On November 6th, we get to experience a Grade 9 rite of passage, as we participate in the Canada wide “Take Your Kid to Work Day” We will be going to work with our parents, or with somebody else getting a taste of what our teachers refer to as “the real world”. Stay tuned for permission forms.

In Social we have delved deep into our personal histories and learned a great deal about our country, our families and ourselves. We’ve learned about the history of humans, Neanderthal, cro-magnon and other amazing discoveries. There is no shortage of questions and discussion items. This is learning at its best.

There is so much more we could tell you, but we’re out of time. If you want to know more, please track us down and ask us. Oh yes, one more thing….235 days until the canoe trip!

Grade 8 News

Math – The grade 8’s are currently working on square roots and the Pythogorean Theorem. They will be verifying the theory and practicing their hand at figuring out area and using basic formulas.

ELA – The Giver (8.1) and The Outsiders novel study (8.2)

Art – Sketching and mixed media on canvas

Science – The girls in Science are wrapping up the first unit of study about “Water Systems on Earth”, specifically; the geological forces that create fresh and salt water systems, and the study of tides, currents, and waves. Boys are working on the laws of reflection in a plane mirror

Health – Group 8.1 is studying “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”. We are now at the point of Habit 2 “Begin With the End in Mind” soon we’ll be onto Habit 3 “Put First Things First”.

Health – Group 8.2 is making brochures “What’s so great about you!?”

PE – Students are busy with Tchoukball, Volleyball, and a variety of other games which include fitness components. We are getting ready for fitness testing that starts right after the Thanksgiving Holiday break. Soon we will start fitness circuits and some workouts in the weight room.

Social – Interdependence of Nations.

Home Ec –  Students are busy baking up a storm in the Baking Basics unit. The room smells and tastes yummy of pancakes, waffles, muffins and various kinds of biscuits. They will be having a cookie exchange party as they learn about the different types of cookies.

I.A. – Grade 8’s have just started their CAD drafting. They were pumped last day to get into the computer lab.

Grade 12 News

Well here we are, finally Seniors in the place we’ve called home for the past 13 years. We’re getting right back into the swing of things and the year is already flying by. In History and English, we are learning all about Canada, starting with the land. Who knew doing those maps in Grade 4 would help us later on in school. In Chemistry, we are already wrapping up our review unit and are feeling the chemical reaction of excitement within us! PreCalculus is proving to be the challenge we expected, but who doesn’t love graphing!? Industrial Arts and Home. Ec are always a blast, but I think recess and lunch hour are still winning the favourite class award in our hearts. Here’s to a good year!



Grade 11 News

So great to be back to school!!! Classes are in full swing. In math foundations, we have just written our first test on angle and parallel lines. In Physics, we are learning wonders and workings around us, as well as the math compo- nents of scientific notation, significant figures and metric conversion. We are one of the first Health Science classesin the province in which we will be studying medical ethics, the diagnosis and treatments of the human body, as well as how to support the health of ourselves. We also have a small Robotics class for the first time in Hanley School, in which we will be building circuits and robots. In ELA/History, we are working on an independent history project.

Grade 10 News

It seems like school just started and already September’s half over! The grade 10’s have gotten over the initial shock of waking up early and kickstarting their neurons and have settled in nicely. The rest of us are a tad UN-settled as they start Driver’s Ed, though. Their newfound freedom will be helped by their investigation of currency exchange rates in Math. In ELA, students are imagining a type of device they’d like to have in the future and writing about it. Wellness has thus far seen a sampling of sporting activities, like football and volleyball. Commercial Cooking is currently planning their first meal while their compatriots in IA are working on cabinet making. And finally, in science, the grade 10’s are exploring ecosystems and the environment.

Take care until next month! (Thanks to Truman for his contributions.)