Well, it’s winter! Please remember to send ski pants, boots, and extra mitts for recess time. The kids love building forts and sliding down the hill, so extra socks and clothes are also good to have as a back up. In math the 3s are finishing up their unit on numbers to 1000. There is a unit test on Friday, November 21 for the grade 3s only. The 4s will likely have their text during the last week of November, depend- ing on how the last few les- sons go. The students are excited about their endangered species report! They are being challenged to think outside the box when it comes to their presentation. If they usually make posters, they should try something else this time. Miss Simonson will be finished teaching social studies this week. The students loved having her in the room and really enjoyed learning about agriculture. I think even some of our farm kids were surprised at how many different kinds of farms there are. We are doing a bit of football and a bit of floor hockey this month in phys. ed. I hope to get a few of the football coaches in our class to practice some skills and drills! In Reader’s Workshop, our next comprehension strategy is asking questions while reading. We are reading a book called Underground and the students are using their connections, background knowledge, and questions to try and figure out what the author is telling us. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Family Fun Night on December 10!
Category Archives: Newsletter
Grade 1 & 2 News
Hello Parents!
It always seems to sur- prise me how fast time flies. Hard to believe November has come and almost gone!
Here is what the Grade 1/2 class has been up to for the last little while! We continue to explore reading strategies during our Reader’s Workshop time. The grade 1s are really starting to develop some great strategies for independent reading. As well, our reading stamina is growing! In Math, the grade 1s are continuing their work with numbers to 20. They are also getting time to work on IXL computer math, as well as with Mrs. Martineau playing a variety of math games. The grade 2s continue their work with numbers to 100. In Science the grade 1s have been exploring the five senses with Mrs. Martineau, while the grade 2s and I continue experimenting with the motion of objects. Social Studies has found us exploring families and traditions and in Health we are exploring healthy relationships. Always lots going on in the Grade 1/2 class!
I would like to remind everyone that the cold weather has shown up and it appears to be sticking around! Please remember to send your child with proper outside attire, as we will not have indoor recesses unless the weather gets to be – 25 degrees with the wind chill. As always, feel free to contact me anytime about any questions or concerns you have by phone or email!
Stay warm!
Janet Adelman
Kindergarten & Grade 1 News
We are keeping busy in K/1. You should come in and check out our Hot Chocolate Shop. We should warn you in ad- vance that our prices are pretty steep ($6 for a hot chocolate? An extra $7 for whipped cream? Whoa!).
In Reader’s Workshop we continue to practice what it means to be a ‘good reader’. We practice things like: picking a good spot to read, picking books that suit us, being able to retell stories based on the pictures, etc.
In Writer’s Workshop we’re working on: printing, letters and letter sounds, journals (Gr.1), etc.
In Grade 1 Math we are working with numbers from 0-20. In K Math we’re beginning to work on numbers from 0-10.
Phys. Ed. has us busy practicing different movement skills around the gym. We’re still working on not running into others or walls!
As always, feel free to come in and see us any time. We love visitors!
~The K/1s & Mrs. Martineau
From the Office
What a great month so far this fall. That dose of cold weather in September made me think we were going to be in for a real doozy of a winter this year, but it’s been great to have such nice days in October to extend our fall a bit longer. Just a reminder that when the colder weather starts to appear, try to help your son/daughter choose the right clothing, jacket and other gear to help stay warm and healthy. We had another nice Awards Night on October 7th. Thanks for making the effort to attend if you were there to help support our students and celebrate their successes and hard work. Thank you also to the sponsors of the various bursaries and awards and those who took time to be there to present them. Our School Community Council is in the process of finishing off this year’s order for the 2015 Hanley Community Calendar. If you’ve been missed and would like to have your name on the order list, please call the school and talk to Mr. Tucker or Mr. Anderson or leave a message with Mrs. Block. The week of Oct 20-24 is a busy one. Bus Driver Appreciation Day is on Monday, Oct 20. Hanley Composite School is hosting our fall Tri-Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday night from 5:00- 7:30pm. Please call the school to book an interview time with your son’s/daughter’s teachers and bring along your student as well for a great interview experience focusing on behaviours. Progress Reports will be sent home on November 15th for grades 1-12. Tuesday, Oct 21st will also be busy as the School Community Council is sponsoring our annual Meet the Staff BBQ from 5pm-7pm. Everyone is invited to drop in for a burger and cake, and we invite you to take time to visit with the staff and the SCC members as well. If that wasn’t enough going on Tuesday, I wanted to bring to your attention that the Saskatoon Health Region will be holding a Flu Immunization Clinic in the gym from 3:00-7:00pm. I’m sure everyone is still aware of the variety of construction that continues in the school through our renovations. Work is nearing completion in the PAA rooms, and installation of the heating systems in the first floor of the high school wing are progressing on schedule. We’ll be taking the grade 11s and 12s to the See Your Future Education and Career Fair on November 3rd in Saskatoon. If you can find time to talk to your student between now and that day, ask them about what career plans they’ve been considering to get them thinking about it before that Monday. We have a variety of teams and students finding success this fall. Come cheer on the Football Team on Oct 25th as they host a playoff game and the Junior Girls Volleyball Team as they host their Home Tournament on the same day. The Senior Girls’ Volleyball Team is also enjoying a great season. The Cross Country team had a great fall with a lot of participation across the grades, and we got to celebrate Kaycee Schroeder on her provincial win as well. Good luck everyone this fall and this year! That’s all for now. For further information and updates from the students and classrooms, check out our school website at http:// blogs.spiritsd.ca/hanley/. As always, Mr. Anderson and I would love to talk to you if you have time to drop by the office or give us a call.
Talk to you soon.
Chris Tucker
Principal Hanley Composite School
Kindergarten & Grade 1 News
Hi K/1 Families,
We’re loving this turn to warmer weather and we’ve been enjoying lots of time outside! We have been very busy!
Ks- working on patterns and learning to make our own.
1s- working on writing numbers 1-20 (one-twenty) as numbers and as words.
Ks- Reader’s Workshop and beginning our Hand- writing Without Tears pro- gram
1s- Writer’s and Reader’s Workshop
Phys. Ed:
K/1- Respecting each other’s space/locomotor skills
Ks- Colours
1s: The 5 Senses
K/1: Being a good friend and solving friendship problems
Ks: Fall/Halloween Invitations
1s: Famous Artist’s Study (Currently working on Claude Monet)
As always, feel free to pop in to see us any time!
The K/1s & Mrs. Martineau
Grade 1 & 2 News
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and got a chance to enjoy some time with family and friends. I sure got my fill of turkey!
Let me bring you all up to date on what has been happening in our classroom over the past month. In ELA, the grade 1s continue working with Mrs. McGregor on letters and letter sounds using the LIPS program and the grade 2s have been working independently on a variety of computer programs working on reading, spelling, and even typing. We have also been getting more set up in our Reader’s Workshop routines. We are currently working on building our reading stamina. In Math, the grade 1s are working on numbers to 20 and the grade 2s are extending their knowledge of numbers to 100. Science for the grade 1s has been a time for exploring living things and the grade 2s are learning all about position and motion of objects. We have also been excited about the addition of the vermicomposting system to our classroom (which will be shared amongst a few different classes). In Art, we got a chance to make some nature pictures while using items from nature as our materials for painting. They turned out great!
I would like to remind everyone that Tri-Conferences are coming up soon and you can book a time with Carey to come meet with me. I would love opportunity to meet with each of you and your child to show you a little more about what our grade 1/2 class is doing. As always, feel free to contact me anytime about any questions or concerns you have by phone or email! Take Care!
Janet Adelman
Grade 3 & 4 News
The 3/4 class has had an awesome month! Last Tuesday, we went to the AG-Exhibition at Prairieland. The students learned about all the different types of farming, took part in a cookie auction, and watched a sheep herding and a milking demonstration! Thanks to the parent volunteers who came with us! In math the 4s are studying whole numbers to 10 000 and the 3s are studying whole numbers to 1000. The students have created beautiful fall art pieces and continue to study the different elements of art. Up next are colour and printmaking! Miss Simonson will begin teaching Social Studies this month and in science we continue to study habitats. We have been learning about carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Next we will learn about predators, prey, and scavengers. It is Fire Safety month, so students will be learning about the devastating effects of forest fires and ways to prevent them. I look forward to seeing everyone at Tri Conferences!
Grade 5 & 6 News
During the month of October, the grade 5/6 class will continue to learn about the First Nations and how Canada has become a multicultural nation. As a class we will be going outside with Mr. Anderson to learn about building fires and how the First Nations lived long ago. We will be cooking bannock over the fire and enjoying a delicious snack. In ELA we are learning about heroes and what makes someone a hero. We have begun new units in both grade 5 and 6 math. We are learning about place value and whole numbers. In Science we are finishing up a unit about the Solar System. The students are presenting information about planets as well as vehicles built for space. In health we are learning about choices, decisions and setting goals. I hope to see you and your child at the Tri-conferences that are coming up.
Ms. Bishop Moisan and the grade 5/6 class.
Grade 7 News
As the days get shorter and the weather cools off, we still find our- selves busy and productive in Grade 7! In ELA, we have continued to explore the theme of science fiction. Soon, our intern, Miss Simonson, will begin a novel study on Tuck Everlasting. Math has the class beginning to look at some pre-algebra concepts in patterns and relations. Social has had the class looking at some mapping skills, while in science, the Grade 7s have been studying rocks and minerals. The students are currently wrapping up their unit in science, so they can soon expect a unit exam. In Home Ec. They are learning about kitchen basics.
On October 16, the Grades 5-12 will begin a magazine sale fundraiser. The proceeds of the event will be allocated to the SRC. The SRC provides activities and opportunities for the students at Hanley school. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.
In the following weeks, it is the intention of Miss Simonson and myself to plan a field trip for the Grade 7s. We have a few ideas, but nothing has been set in stone as of yet. When our plans come together, we will send a letter home.
Finally, Tri-conferences are just around the corner. If you would like to book a time to with us, please call the office and book a time with Mrs. Block. Thanks for everything you do for your child and for the support you have shown the school so far this year. We couldn’t do it without you!
Grade 8 News
In Math, the grade 8’s are cur- rently studying integers! In ELA the students are working through a novel study of The Outsiders. While in Art, the students are working on Mask- making. In Science we are wrapping up the first three sec- tions of our unit about “Water Systems on Earth”, specifically; the geological forces that create fresh and salt water systems. We will finish this unit in early
November. In Health the students are working on their understanding of Self-Concept. PE is busy with Volleyball, and a variety of other games which include fitness components. We are getting ready for fitness testing that starts right away. In Social Studies we are looking at Multiculturalism and Immigration. In Home Ec. the grade eights have begun to sew their pajama pants and will learn the importance and develop their skills in proper fitting and pattern alterations. Finally, in IA the grade 8’s are finishing their use of the Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) unit. Some 8’s are moving into the refurbished woodworking shop and are having their first chance to design their own project.