It looks like spring has finally arrived! Make sure your student is wearing rubber boots. And maybe remind them to stay away from the puddles while at school!
We have one team advancing to the Badminton Championships on Saturday. Congratulations to Levi and Seth. We are sure you will make us all proud. All of our other did very well also! Congratulations everyone!
Grade 1-5 Swimming lesson forms and money are due on Friday.
Grade 9 students bussing forms for next year need to be handed in by Friday.
There is chocolate milk today.
The first round of Badminton Playoffs were very successful for our Osler Team! Moving on to play in Delisle tomorrow are Levi and Seth, who placed 1st overall in Boys Doubles, Kadence and Casey who placed 1st overall in Mixed Doubles, Trent and Owen who placed second in Boys Doubles, Adriah and Cheyenne who finished second in Girls Doubles. Chase and James placed 1st in their pool, but unfortunately lost the crossover game. That means half the team is moving on! Good work everyone and congratulations and good luck to those moving on to play tomorrow.