Announcements – Monday, November 28

  • Grade 7-9 Intramurals today and Wednesday!
  • Hot Dog order forms due today – hand in to the office.
  • Boys Volleyball players please return your jerseys to Mr. C.
  • Boys Basketball practices this week Wednesday and Thursday after school 3:30 – 4:45.
  • Girls Basketball practices this week Tuesday morning 7:15 and Thursday at lunch – games start next week!

Announcements – Friday, November 25

  • Staff vs students volleyball game today! 12:30 Grade 7/8 vs Staff – Grade 6-9 students invited to watch. 1:00 Grade 9 vs Staff – all staff and students invited to watch the staff beat the students!!!
  • Grade 7-9 Intramurals are Monday and Wednesday next week.
  • Please return all Hot Dog order forms on Monday – Healthy Hunger deadline is Saturay.