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STUDENT REGISTRATION: If you are interested in registering your child at our school please fill out the PSSD Student Registration Form. This form can also be filled out online on the Prairie Spirit School Division Website.
If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2025( born in 2020) they will be able to attend Kindergarten next year. If you are interested in registering your child for Kindergarten please click here to read and follow the new registration process. To register for Kindergarten click here: PSSD Student Registration and choose REGISTER FOR FALL 2025.
École Warman Elementary School is a dual-track school offering both French Immersion and English Kindergarten instruction options. Both programs follow the Saskatchewan curriculum. If you have any questions regarding either program, please contact the office at 306-933-2066.
Pre-Kindergarten is active, experiential learning through play, focused on the development of the whole child: physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.
The Pre-K program at École Warman Elementary School offers 32 spots for children in Warman (operated by Prairie Spirit School Division). A selection committee will review applications and determine acceptance in the program, based on the Ministry of Education’s criteria.
Pre-K is led by a professional teacher and is designed for children who would benefit from language and social skills programming. More information about the Pre-K program is available at the following link: PreK-brochure.pdf (
Parents can apply for the program online: PRE- KINDERGARTEN APPLICATION