
Parent and community volunteers are an integral part of a dynamic school community. We are very grateful for the gifts of time and dedication our volunteers share with us- thank you!!

Volunteers are sometimes needed for a variety of tasks throughout the school including classroom program assistance, assisting teachers with the preparation of materials, coaching, school programs and School Community Council projects. 

The Principal must approve all uses of volunteers in school activities. This approval must be in place prior to the volunteer beginning their assigned task. 

First steps if interested in volunteering: 

  • Interested in volunteering in a classroom? Speak to the specific teacher or contact the school office with a general inquiry. 
  • Interested in volunteering with the School Community Council? Contact one of our representative SCC members (listed in the SCC tab) or leave your contact information with the school office. 
  • Interested in volunteering in the school library? Contact the school office and leave your contact information for the library technician to contact you. 
All volunteers must check in at the front office when arriving at the school and sign out when leaving.

Criminal Record Checks
a) Parent volunteers (including grandparents or legal guardians) who are providing services under the direct visual supervision of a Division employee do not require a Criminal Record Check (CRC).

b) A CRC is required for parent volunteers when the volunteer:
i) Has or may have direct or sole responsibility for providing supervision of students (for example, as a volunteer on a class field trip).

ii) Provides overnight supervision.

iii) Coaches students in extra-curricular activities (see Appendix B in AP 423-Extra-Curricular Activities).

c) The CRC needs to have been completed no more than six (6) months prior to being submitted to the school. The CRC must be from the police services in the individual’s area of residence. The Division will also accept online criminal record checks from VerificationsCanada or MyCRC. Any costs associated with a CRC are the responsibility of the volunteer.

d) A Vulnerable Sector Check is required and will be provided by the RCMP when the volunteer is a coach, supervises students in overnight excursions and/or is a volunteer driver with students.

e) For Prairie Spirit schools, the valid length of a CRC and Vulnerable Sector Check will be three (3) years, with an annual compliance report at the start of the school year each year.

f) Volunteers are expected to inform the Division if/when there are any criminal charges against them. The school will question all volunteers annually.

More information on PSSD Volunteers can be found here.

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS: Any person transporting students (besides their own) in school-sponsored activities MUST be both approved volunteers and have completed the approved driver form ANNUALLY.  


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