Grade 8 News

In Math the class is starting a new unit on Geometry. In ELA, the class is working on the novel “The Giver” and a project where students decide on one thing that everyone should learn about from the past. In Art, the class is working on Canadian Contemporary Art. In Health, the class just finished learning about families and support and starting Sexual Education. In Social Studies, the class is learning about the Canadian Federal government. Specifically, how a Bill becomes a law and structures within the Government. In Home Ec., the class is starting a sewing basics section, and soon will make their own pyjama pants. In Industrial Arts, the class has arrived at picking and designing a woodworking project of their own choice. Now they just have to get it done by Mr. Tyndall’s due date…and then get them out of the hallway. In PE, the class has just finished fitness testing and will be beginning an Archery Unit, mixed in with Track and Field events (weather permit- ting). In Science, the class is ending a unit on Life Science: Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems, and soon to start a new unit on Physical Science: Forces, Fluids, and Density which leads into the “Boat Race” at the Harry Bailey Aquatic Centre in Saskatoon in June.

Grade 8 News

In Physical Education we are working on individual Bad- minton skills and rules, then some Badminton games while still including some floor hockey. In ELA we are wrap- ping up “Jean Val Jean”, and “Les Miserables”. In Math, Linear Equations have been the hot topics to date. Soon we will be graphing these equations. In Arts Ed. the students are learning about Canadian Art through the ages. In Grade 8 I.A., they are working on drafting Isometric projections. In Grade 8 Home Ec. they are working through flour mixtures using pancake and waffle recipes. In Social Studies, the students are exploring the Government of Canada and Canadian Citizenship. In Health class the students are working on Families and their Relationships. In Science, we are studying about Cells, Tissues, Organs and Body Systems.

Grade 8 News

In Math 8 the students are working with Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In ELA the students just finished “The Outsiders” novel study and will begin working on the theme of, “Is It Fair? Justice for All?” In Art the class just wrapped up a “Diet For Diabetes” project and Bake Sale. The Science class is finishing looking at “How People’s use of Water can Affect the Earth’s Water Supply.” In IA 8 the class is beginning their wood projects, such as mirrors. The Social Studies class is examining the Fur Trade, while the Health class is examining the way Media represents the incorrect image of the human body through advertising. In Home Ec. the class is learning the basics of cooking in the kitchen.

Grade 8 News

In Math, the grade 8’s are cur- rently studying integers! In ELA the students are working through a novel study of The Outsiders. While in Art, the students are working on Mask- making. In Science we are wrapping up the first three sec- tions of our unit about “Water Systems on Earth”, specifically; the geological forces that create fresh and salt water systems. We will finish this unit in early

November. In Health the students are working on their understanding of Self-Concept. PE is busy with Volleyball, and a variety of other games which include fitness components. We are getting ready for fitness testing that starts right away. In Social Studies we are looking at Multiculturalism and Immigration. In Home Ec. the grade eights have begun to sew their pajama pants and will learn the importance and develop their skills in proper fitting and pattern alterations. Finally, in IA the grade 8’s are finishing their use of the Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) unit. Some 8’s are moving into the refurbished woodworking shop and are having their first chance to design their own project.

Grade 8 News

May is here and half way done. It looks like spring has finally sprung!!! The Grade 8’s are very busy working and planning as the year is coming to an end. This Friday the grade 8 class will be
participating in the boat races that are an annual event with this grade. They have been busy planning and designing different prototypes, to compete and win their
In English the 8.1 class (Mr. Graham) has just finished The Bread Winner, and will be going into independent novel study. The 8.2 class (Mrs. Bain), finished
watching and are now working on collages of Oliver Twist or The Count of Monte Cristo (student choice).
Math 8.2 (Ms. Wall), are going to be starting Measurement next week, and then Geometry.
8.1 (Mrs. Bain) is working on Geometry.
Social Studies in Mr.Graham’s class are looking at resources and interdependence.
Art with Mr. Graham is challenging the students with 3-D art, structure and design.
Home Ec.with Mrs. Burgess and IA with Mr. Tyndall continue to develop student skills in wood working and sewing (use of the machine
and construction). Pajama pants will be the goal in Home Ec. And a wood project in IA.
Health with the girls is 7 Habits, while Mrs. Bain is teaching through the use of the conflict between the Ukraine and Russia, tied in with Soviet Union in the 1930’s.

Grade 8 News

The Grade 8 class is busy decid- ing on fundraising events that we would like to do for our Regina trip. Mrs. Bain has us signed up for a couple of pizza sales, Prairie Meats, and maybe a float sale.

  • ELA -The class has just begun looking at the novel, The Outsiders.
  • Arts Ed/ Careers – visual representations of our favorite songs
  • Health – finishing the study of the “7 Habits of Effective Teens” – Media messages
  • Math 8.1-We are currently wrapping up our unit on measurement and will have an exam on Wednesday, March 19.
  • Math 8.2 – Working on percent, ratio and proportion – word and number sentences.
  • Science 8 Boys – Studying about the three states of water, the diversity of life in water and the geological processes that create oceans, rivers and lakes.
  • Science 8 Girls- Have been applying their knowledge about cells and using microscopes to learning about tissues of the body.
  • Phys. Ed – Have been playing games while Mr. Cory was away, now into Badminton and fitness testing.
  • Home Ec – Working on Baking Basics – making pancakes, muffins, cookies and more.

Grade 8 News

With the new semester, the Grade 8s have swapped some teachers for the second half of the year. We’re reading and creating short stories in English and finished a writing assessment a few weeks ago. Dividing and multiplying fractions as well as work on perimeter and area are the topics in Math. In Social Studies the topics are information about Canada as well as learning about Dictators. The water cycle and a unit on cells including tissues and organs is the information we’re soaking up in Science. And in PE we’ve been hacking away with some floor hockey and some mat or dodgeball. Lastly, drafting and cooking desserts in PAA and scratch art in Arts Ed finish off our list of work. Thanks to the students from Grade 8 who helped with our newsletter item.

Grade 8 News

Math 8.1 We are currently exploring rates, ratios and proportions.
Math 8.2 – wrote post unit test for integers, finishing up integer unit, will be starting, ratio/percent and fractions
ELA 8.1 – The Bread Winner novel study
ELA 8.2 – We have just finished our novel study of Jean Val Jean. We are now watching Les Miserables. A final project will be assigned this week and due for Wednesday of next
IA – Finishing wood projects
Science Girls – Started a new unit on Forces, Fluids, and Density. Have been exploring the density of fluids and how this can be measured and applied in practical ways.
Social Boys- Nationalism – symbols and anthems
Social Girls – We have finished our unit on Dynamic Relation- ships and will be spending the remainder of the classes exploring current affairs.
Arts Ed – Working on Pixel self-portraits
Phys Ed. – finishing fitness testing
Home Ec – Studying Canadi- an Cuisine, making menus Health 8.1 – Teens – Mental Issues and Disorder

Grade 8 News

In Math 8.1 the students have just finished their unit on “Integers” and are beginning to look at Fractions, Decimals and Percents. While in Math 8.2, the students are finishing up square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem. 8.2 students will be starting integers in the next unit. In ELA 8.2 The class just finished The Outsiders novel study and will begin looking at the theme of, “Is it Fair? Justice for All?” This theme is the predecessor for our exploration of Jean Val Jean. Meanwhile, ELA 8.1 is doing short stories.

In Art we’re doing perspective drawings. The Science Boys just wrote an exam on light and reflection, while they have been working on light mazes.

Science Girls will be starting a project on the journey of water molecules around the world and through all three states of matter. In Health 8.2 we are working on “Sharpening the Saw’ which is one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. The Health 8.1class is studying gender stereotypes. In PE we have started a mini-unit of basketball skills and games leading up to Christmas. The Girls Social class just finished writing their unit exam on “Interactions and Interdependence of Nations”, and will begin to explore the theme of “Dynamic Relationships”. The boys Social class is studying about “Power and Authority”. In Home Ec. students are learning to sew on the sewing machines. They will be making pillows and pajama pants. Lastly, in IA they have started designing wood projects, such as mirrors.

Grade 8 News

Math – The grade 8’s are currently working on square roots and the Pythogorean Theorem. They will be verifying the theory and practicing their hand at figuring out area and using basic formulas.

ELA – The Giver (8.1) and The Outsiders novel study (8.2)

Art – Sketching and mixed media on canvas

Science – The girls in Science are wrapping up the first unit of study about “Water Systems on Earth”, specifically; the geological forces that create fresh and salt water systems, and the study of tides, currents, and waves. Boys are working on the laws of reflection in a plane mirror

Health – Group 8.1 is studying “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”. We are now at the point of Habit 2 “Begin With the End in Mind” soon we’ll be onto Habit 3 “Put First Things First”.

Health – Group 8.2 is making brochures “What’s so great about you!?”

PE – Students are busy with Tchoukball, Volleyball, and a variety of other games which include fitness components. We are getting ready for fitness testing that starts right after the Thanksgiving Holiday break. Soon we will start fitness circuits and some workouts in the weight room.

Social – Interdependence of Nations.

Home Ec –  Students are busy baking up a storm in the Baking Basics unit. The room smells and tastes yummy of pancakes, waffles, muffins and various kinds of biscuits. They will be having a cookie exchange party as they learn about the different types of cookies.

I.A. – Grade 8’s have just started their CAD drafting. They were pumped last day to get into the computer lab.