Community Ads and Events

If you would like us to include your information on this page, please send it in an email to; all information is subject to the approval of our Administration.

BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM – this program is open to children attending Venture Heights School for the 2023/2024 school year.  Please contact Lynda at: 306-381-6753 for more information. 

SWEET ‘N’ SILLY KINDERCARE PROGRAMthis program is located in Venture Heights School and is open to Kindergarten children on non-school days.  This program is open to all Martensville area.  You do not have to attend Venture Heights to be apart of this program.  Please contact Jaimie at: 639-998-4788 for more information.


SPARE BUS DRIVERS URGENTLY NEEDED – Please click below for further information from our Division Office:

Spare Bus Drivers Needed

BUSY FINGERS PRESCHOOL – contact Adrienne at 306-227-0293 for more information.

LOCAL TUTOR AVAILABLE – Ms. Frey is a retired teacher offering school tutoring to your children.  Experienced with students grades Kindergarten to Grade 7.  Tutorials in reading, writing, or mathematics with regular updates to parents.  After school hours or evenings open.  References available.  Call 306-683-0750 or email her at

PRIVATE TUTORING SERVICES – I am offering individualized one-on-one reading instruction to students in grades 1 and 2.  I am a retired certified teacher with Bachelor of Education.  I’ve taught students in grades K to 3.  LLI Tutor (Leveled Literacy Intervention) with grade 1 and 2 students.  Contact Vivian at 306-382-4760 or email her at

AH-HA! HOMEWORK CLUB – is a great environment for elementary and high school students to work on test preparation, projects, homework, etc.  Our volunteers are here to aid students in their academic journey!  Come check us out in Room #2 of the Martensville Information and Visitor Centre! A calendar of dates and times can be found on our FaceBook page.  **Please note: Ah-Ha! Homework Club is not a guaranteed tutoring service, but rather a volunteer run program in which we aim to help students to the best of our abilities.  For a list of tutors, please contact the Martensville Information and Visitor Centre directly at 306-242-0362.

  • Martensville Information & Visitor Centre Civic Centre, 66 Main Street. Room #2

MARTENSVILLE SOCCER – click here for information:  2025 lions

MARTENSVILLE FREE PANTRY – yes, right here in Martensville.  Click here for information: Martensville Free Pantry

MARTENSVILLE LIBRARY – Click here for the Summer Guide:  2024 Martensville Library Summer Programs
Library Hours:    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:30am – 6:00pm; Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30am – 8:00pm; Saturday: 9:30am – 2:00pm; Sunday: Closed
Located in the Civic Centre at the corner of Main Street and Centennial Drive.
Phone: 306-956-7311      Email:      Website:     Facebook:

MARTENSVILLE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS – The City of Martensville offers a variety of programs for all ages.  A number of programs still have available spaces.  If you are interested in learning more about what is offered, please contact the Rec Department at 306-683-5577 or email:

Located in the Civic Centre at the corner of Main Street and Centennial Drive.
Phone: 242-0632      Email: