Grade 9 News

Energizing. Cheery. Intriguing. Intense. Hilarious. Enlightening. This is just a sampling of the words yelled forth by this year’s Grade Nine squad when asked to describe the year thus far. In ELA, Mr. Kirk has us exploring Human Rights and Freedoms. In Social Studies, we’ve just finished making personal timelines and now we are looking at ancient human history and pre-history. They’ll be on display in our classroom shortly, so swing on in and have a look. (bring chips) Speaking of items on display, we’ve been working on painting the ceiling tiles. It’s a bit like the Sistine Chapel except with a little more Disney and Sports Logos. Do you have any questions about finding the surface area of a Composite Shape? You can ask us now, because that’s what Mr. Herman is teaching us in Math. Can you imagine having Ms. Prakash as a science teacher? It’s a blast. Literally. She sure likes blowing things up. Our leader, Mr. Graham is teaching us about Decision making in Health class and we’re looking at life for teenagers in past decades. It’s crazy. Volleyball, welding and Kitchen Wizardry round out our daily schedules.

All in all, I don’t think we’ve ever been happier.


Grade 9 News

Well, the Grade 9 camping trip has come and gone. It was amazing. Thank you to all of the chaperones who came with us. You worked hard and we know this trip cannot happen without you. Thanks also to Harold who drives a bus like no one else. School itself continues to be invigorating even though Spring fever has hit hard. In ELA, we have had some very interesting discussions and worked through some fascinating case studies about people who were faced with incredible choices in Nazi Germany. What is the difference between a child soldier in Sierra Leone and a Hitler Youth member in World War II? Why do we feel so differently about them? Our Sunflower study has really challenged us. In Social Studies we’re learning about globalization. Where in the world would be the best place to build a chocolate bar factory? We based our decision on availability and cost of resources, as well as labour costs and ethical practices. Pretty fascinating. In Health class, we continue talking about Adolescent issues and relationships. Math has us looking and working with the basics of angles, circles and trigonometry. Good stuff. Science has us looking at cells, the building blocks of life. It’s been a great year and we thank all the teachers and staff for making it so. See you next year!

Grade 9 News

Our camping trip is quickly approaching. The trip dates have been moved up a day. Due to the Provincial Track meet starting on June 7th, and the number of grade 9 students who are potential provincial athletes, we had to make that adjustment. We’ve been busy preparing ourselves for all of the anticipated adventures that await us. As we finished up our discussions about the book, Into The Wild, and read a short story by Jack London called To Build a Fire, we decided to venture out into the field and build our own fires from scratch. Some groups were successful, some were not. My hope is that those who were unsuccessful will sharpen their survival skills before heading north. Again, any parent help would be appreciated. We have just started reading an amazing true story called The Sunflower. The preamble says, “ You are a prisoner in a concentration camp. A dying Nazi soldier asks for your for- giveness. What would you do?” As we read this together, we will be able to explore some huge questions regard- ing war, evil and the possibilities and

limits of forgiveness.

In Social studies, we learned about multi-national corporations, as well as where and how the goods we buy are manufactured. Incredible. We also continue to follow what happening daily with CNN Student News.

Genetics, symmetry and track and field usually round off our learning day. 

On May 28th, we will be visited by the health nurse who will spend the morning teaching us about Health and Sexuality. A more detailed par- ent letter will be sent home.

Grade 9 News

Grade Nine continues to roll on and we continue learning, living and loving. We’ll give you a quick rundown of what we’ve been up to this month. We’ve finished our novel study of A Long Way Gone in ELA and that has opened up many doors for learning in Social Studies. We’ve discussed and studied Sierra Leone, conflict diamonds, child soldiers and explored regions of the world where natural resource wealth is being exploited at the high expense of human rights. Now in ELA, we are looking at the true story of a boy named Chris McCandless who sold his car, gave his college savings to charity, changed his identity and went into the Alaskan wilderness to live…and die. It’s an amazing story with a lot for us to think about. Our paper mache masks are pretty much wrapped up and it goes without saying that our Hat Festival preparations are about to get underway. Health class continues to challenge us, as we are having honest and candid discussions about what it’s like to be a teenager in 2013. It’s not easy, but apparently it never has been. Meiosis is the name of the game in Science class and Math class lives up to its name by serving us with the latest in math and math related ideas. Badminton in Phys Ed, cooking in Home Ec, and small engines in IA fills in the rest. All good stuff.

The annual Grade 9 camping trip is scheduled for June 5, 6 and 7, 2013. We’ll be starting our in-class preparations this week and sending information home. Parents, we need lots of parent help, so please see what you can do about coming on the trip with us. The more the merrier.

Grade 9 News

Well, according to research, February is everyone’s least favorite month. By everyone, I mean Hank, and by research I mean asking Hank, a few minutes ago, what his least favorite month is. I don’t think Hank is alone, however. It’s cold and dark and the snow piles are only outmatched by the homework piles. Thankfully we have our class and our daily adventures to keep us going until the lionly lambs of March arrive.

School is certainly keeping us

busy. In ELA, we have started a novel called “A Long Way Gone” by Ishmael Beah. It’s about child soldiers in the civil war in Sierra Leone. In Social Studies we have looked at the United Nations Millenium Development Goals and we are working on some research, awareness and expression projects. In Health class, we are looking at some of the issues that are affecting teenagers in 2013 and comparing them to the issues of teenagers in dec

ades gone by. Fascinating.

The mighty, majestic universe is the topic of our science classes of late and we’re solving inequalities in Math class. Got

an inequality? We can help.

Well, stay warm, stay safe and feel free to ask us how we are 


Grade 9 News

In this season as we approach the season of love and Valentines, we thought it would be fitting if we told you, the dear readers, about some of the things we love. We love school and learning. We love it when Ms. Prakash starts a new unit in Science class, especially a unit on the Solar System. We love working with acrylics while messing with colour and shape in Art Class. We loved the Polynomials unit in math and we are very sorry to see it go. We love healthy minds and healthy bodies, so of course we love Mr. Tucker’s Health class. We love where we are, but we also love thinking about where we are going, as in the future. In ELA we read Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron. The first line of the story is “It’s the year 2081, and everyone is finally equal.” Intrigued? I’ll bet you are. This theme of equality has seeped into our Social studies class as we look at equality, or the lack thereof, in the societies and cultures of our past.

The near future brings a new semester and a few changes to our schedule. We’ll be switching Home Ec and IA, and Mr. Graham will be taking over our Health class. All in all, things are good and we’re having fun and we’re excited about all that is to come.

Grade 9 News

Nothing Says Christmas like a good ole Limerick, so here’s a sample of some Holiday Limericks written by the Grade Nine class.

Grade nine is surprisingly fun
Our classes can’t be out done
I’m so glad I’m in it
I love every minute
It’s too bad that Christmas
has come.
By: Erika

The New Year is about to come
For the tests their will be a ton
Grade 9 is a blast
But it’s going too fast
2013 will be fun.
By: Luke

On Christmas, there’s presents galore,
We open them and sit on the floor,
The presents are open
But still I am hopin,
That Mom and Dad bought me some more.
By: Jackson and the Math Club

Oh Grade nine. There’s nothing above it.
Disagree and I’ll tell you to shove it!
I’ll stand in the hall
And yell out for all!
“I love it, I Love it! I Love it!”
By: Jesse

Happy Holidays from the Grade Nines!

Grade 9

We have really enjoyed our November, and life, both in and out of school, continues to be very busy. Our Football and Volleyball seasons were very successful and now that they’ve wrapped up, we’re getting excited for Basketball and Curling. The annual Take our Kids to Work Day was really successful and we were able to develop a new appreciation for our parents and how hard they work each day.

In ELA, we’ve finally finished Romeo and Juliet. (We loved it) Now we are embarking on our own Independent Novel Studies. In Social Studies we are continuing to delve deep into Ancient Civilizations. Amazing. They are almost as amazing as our current civilization which we find ourselves also discussing at great lengths.

We have been recruited by the Christmas Festival folks to prepare backgrounds for the Family Portraits and we are honored to be a part of what will no doubt become treasured family heirlooms for you and yours.

Our Element Exploration is wrapping up in Science class and Mr. Howie continues to show us the magic of Mathematics. He’s doing a great job. Mr. Tucker continues to give us good healthy leadership in Health class and from the office. Phys. Ed, Home Ec and IA continue to be our favorites, but who can blame us? Well, we’ll let you go, because we know you likely have to start your Christmas shop- ping! If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact Mr. Graham.

Grade 9

We hope this newsletter finds you well. We are still really enjoying ourselves in grade nine. There is so much happening. In fact, we just returned from a field trip to Wanuskewin. It was amazing. Really. Have you been there? If not, you should.

Mr. Howie continues to impress with his wit and wisdom in Mathematics and Science. We’ve been learning how to handle exponents as well as getting ready to present our research findings on elements. You can find them on the Periodic Table. Have you ever seen the periodic table? If not, you should. Ancient civilizations, current events and the connections between the two continue to dominate our discussions in Social Studies. In ELA, we are reading Romeo and Juliet. It is an incredible story on so many levels. Have you ever read it? If not, you should.

“Take your Kids to Work Day” is approaching, so please help us remember to bring our forms in ASAP.

Well there really is a lot more we could tell you but it’s as though after reading this some of you may have quite a bit to do, so we’ll let you go.

Grade 9 News

I knew it. I just knew it. All summer long, I knew that these grade 9’s were going to be a dandy bunch. They are. We’ve enjoyed our first couple of weeks together. In Art class we’ve already experienced Weasel Theater and Random Records. In English we collaborated on writing some delicious short stories about “A Crazy Day at the Candy Store” and we are about to embark on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Social Studies has us exploring Worldviews. Well what in the world is a “worldview” anyways and why is mine different than yours? Big stuff. Mr. Tucker is helping us understand Leadership. What makes a good leader? Who are good leaders? Mr. Tucker is a good leader . Area and Matter are the topics we are tackling in Math and Science classes. It may sound a bit dull, but those are areas that matter and we are grateful to have the chance to learn about them. Well done everyone.