General Information

All of the Kindergarten to Grade 8 students are required to have and use agendas.  These agendas are used as a daily message book and organizational tool, where assignments and events are recorded.  Parents are asked to read and sign the agendas daily, and help students make sure the agendas are taken back to school each day.  Parents are welcome to write notes about days they know the student will be away for appointments, etc., and to share information with the teacher.
Principal’s Message
The Principal’s message is updated regularly on our Edsby River of News. Please check for updates, and reach out to us with any questions you may have.
Use of Facilities and Equipment
Any group or individual wishing to use school facilities or equipment must make arrangements with the principal and School Community Council.
Students are encouraged to use the resources of our library.  Students are responsible for material borrowed from the library, and are expected to return it on time and in good condition.  Students must have a staff member’s permission if they are working in the library.
Health Nurse
The health nurse from the Saskatoon Health Region visits the school as needed for vaccinations and special programs. Parents wishing to make an appointment for their children should contact Saskatoon Health Region at (306) 655-3300.
Special Education
At Laird School, we strive to meet the diverse needs of our students. The teachers, resource teacher, EAs and division Learning Support Services staff work together to help all students achieve to their potential. We follow the Student Success Model to meet the needs of our students.
Child and Youth Counselor
Laird School has a child and youth counselor available to work with students. Students may have an informal visit once. After that, they must have a parental permission form signed in order to see the counsellor. 
Following the programs set out by the Speech Language Pathologist, teachers and EAs work with students who need speech and articulation therapy. 
Student Insurance
Students in the Prairie Spirit School Division are covered by an insurance policy. The policy covers medical and dental claims for students during school hours or on school trips.
Textbooks and Workbooks
Textbooks and workbooks are supplied for student use free of charge to all students.  These textbooks and workbooks remain the property of the school, and must be treated with respect.

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