Grade 10 News

Well, the grade 10’s are back into it and hard at work! “Challenges” is the theme of the moment in English. In Math they are examining proportional reasoning, taxes and currency exchange. Students are learning about cabinet construction in I.A. and in Home Ec, they’re learning about canning, so they’ll have something to put into those cabinets! Ecosystems, biodiversity, sustainability (and frogs) have been the focus so far in science. In Wellness, there has been a mixed bag of soccer, volleyball, volunteer hours discussions and looking at musculoskeletal systems. And finally, our eager young learners have been given a book full of signs and laws to study in Driver’s Ed, as well as a whole lotta’ pamphlets – so, our sidewalks should be safe for another few weeks yet! Thanks to the grade 10 class for their contributions.

Grade 10 News

Well, the grade 10’s are super excited and super stressed as their second set of final exams comes hurtling towards them with the momentum of a freight train – one which left Cleveland at 4:00 pm travelling at 85 mph (their math final is on Friday the 22nd ). Students are busy getting in last minute assignments, writing exams and making up study notes as they prepare. Shoes fly as the 12 minute fitness test run is crammed in between finishing up CAD drawings and trying to figure out exactly which country was involved in the French Revolution. Shakespeare movies are watched more at this time of year than any other. And, after it’s all done, the eagerly anticipated – yet always dreaded – end of the year water-fight and baseball tournament looms! Please study responsibly.

Grade 10 News

Hanley, Saskatchewan, home of some of the last free-ranging grade tens in the wild mid-grass prairie region of North America. Come with us as we follow them on an epic journey of education through this somewhat tamed wilderness. On a typical day, your average grade ten stu- dent will rise and slowly make their way to school where they engage in a wide variety of social and educational activities. After some initial snacking and visiting amongst peers, students make their way either to Wildlife Management where they have been learning about chickens (a staple of the grade ten diet), or perhaps to Wellness, where they hone their physical abilities in either archery or track and field. Next, it is on to math, where the deep philosophical meaning of linear equations is revealed. From there, a typical student will go on to learn about cooking and selling food in Commercial Cooking, or per- haps the inner-workings of a housing design project in IA. In Science and History, students learn about covalent bonding among elements of the periodic table, or the French revolution. Finally, in ELA, they have been studying Schindler’s List, and the work that he did saving people in Nazi Germany during the Second World War. Join us next month as we follow the grade tens as they enter into the final exam season, where stress and tension abound.

Grade 10 News

Ever wake up one morning and realize that a quarter of the year is already gone? That’s how we’re all feeling right now. At any rate, here’s what the grade 10’s are up to right now – at least, all the things they’ll admit to… Just for fun, I won’t mention the subject that they’re working on for each topic (although, the answers are at the end)… We’ve just finished factoring

and have moved on to exponents and radicals. We’ve watched The Help and are discussing it in the context of racism. We have also been examining the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We’ve been looking at the different elements in the Periodic Table. We’ve been playing Badminton and doing Fitness testing. We have been examining the Fur Trade. We have crafted an amazing meal of Chicken Alfredo and Brownies (served separately). We’ve been using computers for the purposes of drafting. Answers: Math, ELA, Social, Science, Wellness, Wildlife Management, Commercial Cooking, IA.

Special thanks to the grade 10 girls, especially Anita.

Grade 10 News

The grade 10’s are well into semester two and are working very hard. They’ve just finished Of Mice And Men in ELA. Factoring has been the focus in Foundations 10. Wellness has the kids lifting weights and batting an almost weightless birdie around in badminton. In Wildlife Management, they just finished watching March of the Penguins and have also been studying hunting and trapping. If Mr. A plans a trip to Antarctica anytime soon, at least we know the kids won’t starve. Science has had a similar focus as they study the populations of humans and other animals on the planet. In History, they just finished watching Wag the Dog. Food Safety is still the topic du jour in Commercial Cooking (so hopefully we won’t have any bad reactions to the soup du jour). And finally, in IA, the kids have been making house plans a digital reality as they learn Computer Assisted Drafting. Have a great month!

Grade 10 News

Well, the grade 10’s somehow managed to survive their first set of final exams, albeit with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now we’re hard into second semester and finally have them convinced that when a new class starts in Term 2, your marks from Term 1 don’t count towards it.  Really.  On that note…  In ELA the young adults are talking about morality, what’s right and what’s wrong.   Which makes discussing political philosophy in Social all the more painful, I’m sure.  In Commercial Cooking, the kids are preparing for the Food Handler’s Safety Course aka How To Feed People Without Killing Them. Since the teachers are all enthusiastic consumers of Commercial Cooking’s meals, we’re very glad that they’re taking this first step. Drafting is the focus of IA. In Wellness, they’re just wrapping up Basketball. Wildlife Management has been examining aquatic and snow-based life forms.  Math has the students doing unit conversion between Metric and Imperial and in Science, the boys are examining Species At Risk.  Have a great break!

Grade 10 News

Christmas is over, the geese start to relax, the grade 10’s are busy solving problems, learning facts. In English class they’re busy reading Lord of the Flies. Math is trigonometry, find an angle, measure sides. Wildlife examines winter animals’ survivals. Chemistry is finished, no more chemicals in vials. In Social, it’s the British expansion in India. Fitness tests in Wellness, out of breath and bruised fibulas. (Ok, I really stretched that one.) In IA it’s cabinet finishing, the crowns and the kicks. Home Ec is photography – just point and click!

Happy Final Exams, everyone!

Grade 10 News

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell STOP not yet, it isn’t! Close, though, so close! The grade 10’s are working hard these days, but still managing some time to prepare for the upcoming season. They’re just finishing up studying parallel lines and angles in math. In direct opposition to this, they’re studying the paranor- mal in ELA. Basketball and floor hockey have been the order of the day in Wellness class. Home Ec and IA are still working on interior design and cabinet making. Some of the projects look fantastic, as always, thanks to Mr. T’s and Mr. C’s guidance. Chemistry and the weather are the subjects of interest in science, while the guillotine is taking care of French aristocratic subjects of interest in History. In driving, they’ve been driving, much to the terror of those on the sidewalks (and, somewhat more rarely, those on the streets). Finally, ecosystems and water have been the focus in Wildlife Management. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Grade 10 News

Well, we’re at that time of year again: half way between the start of school and Christmas – well, give or take, anyway. November is a busy time of year. In Science, they’ve started learning chemistry, starting with the history of the at- om. “Challenges in Life” is the focus in ELA. The students have been exploring this by studying two people who ran across the Sahara Desert. In Social, they’ve been studying elections, and just watched Wag the Dog. In IA, they’ve been cabinet making, and Home Ec has been doing interior design. In Driver’s Ed, the pylon course has been seeing a lot of use as our budding young learners prepare for gravel roads. Math has seen them finishing up a project and now studying for their test on Surface Area and Volume. And, last but not least, in Wellness, the students have been playing Beach Volleyball (inside, and minus the beach) and JukeBall. Have a great month!

Grade 10 News

The grade 10’s are in the thick of it and having a grand time! ELA continues the study of Megido’s Shadow, a riveting story about a boy in WWI. In science, students have been ex- amining how different coun- tries view resources and the environment. In Home Ec, interior design is the focus, which fits in well with IA, where students are doing Cabinet Making. History has the students examining the recent Wall Street Protests. Which, for some reason, puts me in mind of the pylon tests the kids are doing in Driver’s Ed… Hmmm…
In Math, the study has shifted to Measurement, both imperial and metric (the lucky ducks), and finally in Wellness, the kids are evaluating their personal fitness levels! Have a great month!