• Sweet N Silly KinderCare

    Hey Kindergarten Families, we have exciting news for our Kindergarten kids.  Sweet n Silly KinderCare is here for those kids starting the 2025/2026 school year.  KinderCare program runs on the off days from their Kindergarten days.  Keeps those little ones in a school like routines.  Our days will be full of play, activities, story time and advantages to keep those minds busy and having fun.  KinderCare will be provided lunch supervision and outside supervised play.  Parents will need to provide a snack and lunch if needed for these days.  Our program can also provide Before and After care for our registered kiddos if needed.

    KinderCare will be at Venture Heights School but is open for registration to all of our Kindergarten kids in Martensville.

    If you would like to more information or register please message Jaimie at:  sweetnsilly.care@gmail.com  or  call her at 639-998-4788.

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