
Section 150 (1) of the Saskatchewan Education Act outlines the general duties of students.


(1) In the exercise of his or her right of access to schools and to the benefits of educational services pursuant to this Part, a pupil shall comply with subsection s(2) and (3).

(2) Every pupil shall co-operate fully with all persons employed by the board of education or the conseil scolaire and any other persons who have been lawfully assigned responsibilities and functions with respect to the instructional program of the school or any special or ancillary services that may be provided or approved by the board of education, the conseil scolaire or the department.

(3) Every pupil shall:

(a) attend school regularly and punctually;

(b) purchase any supplies and materials not furnished by the board of education or the conseil scolaire that the principal considers necessary for any particular course of instruction;

(c) observe standards approved by the board of education or the conseil scolaire with respect to:

(i) cleanliness and tidiness of person;

(ii) general deportment;

(iii) obedience;

(iv) courtesy; and

(v) the rights of other persons;


(d) be diligent in his or her studies;

(e) conform to the rules of the school approved by the board of education; and

(f) subject to subsection (4), submit to any discipline that would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent.

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