Lost and Found

Is your child missing mitts, touque, ski pants, sweaters or any other items? After the school closed in March, we had a bunch of items that were left at the school. Please have your student claim any items that belong to you! Our lost or found will be out until Sept 25, then it will be donated.

Terry Fox

Lake Vista School is proud to be raising money for the 40th anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon for Hope.  This year the walk will look a bit different as classrooms will do the walk on their own during the week of the 28th of September.  We are asking families to bring a toonie for Terry again this year.  Please bring the toonie in a Ziploc bag so that your child can give it their teacher.  You can also donate online using this link:

School Fundraising Link: http://www.terryfox.ca/LakeVistaSchool

Thank you for donating to this special cause.

Healthy Hunger

The students of Grade 7 & 8 are offering a Hot Lunch for students in Kindergarten – Grade 8 of Lake Vista School. This event is to help raise money for their class trips. We are going through a company called Healthy Hunger for this event.

This company is affiliated with many restaurants in Saskatoon, and by setting up an account, you will be able to easily order through the website for upcoming other hot lunches from other restaurants.

To order for this, parents are asked to make an account through the Healthy Hunger website.  Once you have made the account, you do not have to set it up again and so ordering for future hot lunches will be much easier.

To order and pay for the hot lunches, visit www.healthyhunger.ca. Once on the website, follow the steps listed below:


Step 1:  Register under Students and Parents

Step 2:  Add Student or Students to your account.

Ordering your Meals

Step 1:  View Upcoming Orders

Step 2:  Select the Order Date you would like to order for.

Step 3:  Select menu items.

Step 4:  Pay for Order.

Staff Parking Lot

Just a reminder:

The Staff Parking lot (east side of the building) is for Staff Members Only. For the safety of students and staff please do not enter or drop off students in the Staff Parking lot from 8:00am-4:00pm.

Thank you,

Lake Vista School