Book & Muffin Morning

The Lake Vista SCC will be holding a book exchange at our Muffin and Book morning on May 10th from 8:00am-9:00am. If you have any gently used books you are no longer using please bring them to the school by May 8th. All the books collected will be set out at the Muffin and Book morning and the children may take any books that interest them. 


  1. Healthy Hunger – Jerry’s
  2. Check out the lost & found across from the office! What is left after today will be donated.
  3. Our school raised over 3,000.00 in our fundraiser! Way to go! The classroom winners are: 1. K2 – $2658.00 2. 4M – $2257.00 3. 3P – $2124.00
  4. Please stay out of the sand pits for the next month.

Happy Birthday – Colton C. (6G) Hanna T. (1H). 4th: Gurjaan L. (PK) Juan R. (PK).

Book & Muffin Morning

The Lake Vista SCC will be holding a book exchange at our Muffin and Book morning on May 10th from 8:00am-9:00am. If you have any gently used books you are no longer using please bring them to the school by May 8th. All the books collected will be set out at the Muffin and Book morning and the children may take any books that interest them. 

Lake Vista SCC


  1. Boryski’s Fundraiser is due today! Please hand it into the office ASAP!
  2. Our Lost & Found will be on display across from the office this week so please come and look through it and collect your belongings. What is left after this week will be donated to charity.

Happy Birthday – Emery Y. (1R)