SCC Annual General Meeting

You are Invited…..

What: Lake Vista SCC Annual General Meeting
When: Thursday May 16th, 6:00 pm
Where: Lake Vista School
Who: Any interested parents
Why: We want you to be a part of this amazing group of parents, teachers and staff to help make your child’s school even better. This is your chance to be involved in the decisions and activities at Lake Vista School. 

Free childcare is available.

Nominations are being accepted for the following positions:
1)    Chairperson
2)    Secretary
3)    Representative members (voting)
4)    Members at Large (non-voting)

Click here for a nomination form which you can complete and either bringing to the school, or email to Ashley, SCC chair using the email address listed below.

If you would like more information about the Lake Vista School Community Council please contact:

Chairperson, Ashley Elgersma – 
Vice-Chairperson, Cara Deobald – 

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